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Business Travel.
Prices on Airline Tickets Expected to Increase

With the increase in oil prices from $45 to more than $65 per barrel since last year, the travel industry…

Business Travel.
Lufthansa Introduces Biometric Boarding Pass to U.S. Markets

Lufthansa is bringing new technology to the U.S. markets it serves with a biometric boarding system, designed to help save…

Business Travel.
DOT Creates Forces to Flyers, a Solution to Ease U.S. Pilot Shortage

The Department of Transportation has recognized a major pilot shortage in our country and has put a plan in place…

Business Travel.
As Airlines’ Profits Grow, Customers are Paying More and Receiving Less

Like all companies, the bottom line in the airline industry is be profitable. Airlines have come up with all sorts…

Business Travel.
Corporate Clients Not Always Receiving Preferred Hotel Rates

As hotels seek to increase profits, they have come up with smarter strategies and techniques that can negatively impact the…