The roar of “Mosi o Tunya” (“the smoke that thunders”) can be heard as you approach.  on the Zambia-Zimbabwe border, Victoria Falls is a must-see as one the world’s magnificent wonders. A Zimbabwe and Zambiua safari also offer incredible wildlife, and are less touristed than the parks of neighboring East Africa and South Africa.

Zambian sunset, Photo by Birger Strahl on Unsplash
Zambia: At Victoria Falls, daring adventurers can swim in the devil’s pool, microlight over the falls, bungee jump off the bridge or whitewater raft in the Zambezi river which flows into the falls, or hike down o the boiling point. On a Zambia safari to Kafue National Park, wildlife viewing includes leopards, lions, elephants and pangolins. Experience the second largest mammal migration in the world, between October and December, when up to five million fruit bats migrate to the forests of the Kasanka National Park located in Zambia enroute to the DRC. The views of the falls are a must see from the Zimbabwe side, and this country has additional treats in store. The impressive ruins of Great Zimbabwe are considered the birthplace of the African city-state. The name Zimbabwe comes from the stone structures of Great Zimbabwe, an ancient ruined city built between 1100 and 1450 AD.
Weather & Climate
In Zambia and Zimbabwe, the dry season is the winter months from May to October and is the best time for game viewing, and daytime temperatures are pleasant (although September and October get extremely hot). The rainy season is from December to April when the bush is beautifully thick and green.
Cuisine of Zambia
While regions of Africa share some common traits, each country has its own specialties. Nshima is the staple carbohydrate of Zambia, generally made from fine corn flour and serviced with fish or meat and vegetables. Michopo is roasted meat, beef or boat that’s usually cooked outdoors on the grill and served with chili or onions, tomatoes and potatoes. Chikanda is commonly referred to as ‘African polony’, although it is entirely vegetarian. Made from wild orchid tubers, peanuts, chilli and baking soda, it is cooked as a meatloaf consistency, and is served hot or cold. Popular vegetables include ‘chibwabwa‘, which are pumpkin leaves, ‘katapa‘ sweet potato leaves, ‘bondwe‘ (a species of amaranthus), ‘impwa‘ (a species of eggplant), ‘lumanda‘ (a species of hibiscus), and okra. Vitumbuwa or ‘fritters; are fried dough balls of flour, sugar, yeast and water.
Cuisine of Zimbabwe
There are many commonalities among dishes in Southern Africa cuisine.  Some of Zimbabwe’s local delicacies include: Nhedzi, a rich wild mushroom soup. Game meat is popular and can include ostrich, warthog and crocodile tail. Bota is a porridge flavored with peanut butter, milk, butter or jam and traditionally eaten for breakfast. Dovi is a peanut butter stew. Mazhanje or wild loquats are amongst the most popular foods in Zimbabwe. 
Suggested reading
Nervous Conditions (T. Dangarembga), The House of Hunger (D. Marechera), Harvest of Thorns (S. Chinodya), The Old Drift (N. Serpell), Mrs. Pollifax on Safari (D. Gilman), Secrets of the Savanna and The Eye of the Elephant (M.& C. Owens), Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight: An African Childhood (A. Fuller), This Mournable Body (T. Dangarembga).
Suggested viewing
I Am Not a Witch, Africa United, Faith Like Potatoes, Democrats, Black Panther.

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Did you know?

Lower Zambezi National Park was recently listed as the world’s first carbon neutral park, which means that it completely offsets its greenhouse gas emission

Change, please? Zimbabwe has eight official currencies.

Zimbabwe has an incredible 16 official languages – more than any other country in the world.

More About Zambia & Zimbabwe


The tall and horned Thornicroft giraffe resides only in Zambia’s South Luangwa National Park, Take a hot air balloon rider in Kafue National Park, Zambia’s largest game sanctuary, to view lions, cheetahs and antelopes. Go snorkeling or scuba diving in the clear waters of the world’s deepest lake, Lake Tanganyika, in northern Zambia, home to over 350 species of fish.


The Matobo Hills (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) offers some of the best- preserved rock paintings on the continent.
Lake Kariba is the world’s biggest man-made lake, used for commercial fishing and electric hydropower to Zambia and Zimbabwe.

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