Orangutans at Camp Leakey
Borneo, Indonesia

The jungles of Borneo are rich with wildlife found nowhere else in the world, and it is here that you will discover Camp Leakey, an orangutan rehabilitation center founded in 1971 by Canadian researcher Biruté Galdikas. Visitors meet with park rangers and view resident scientists at work conducting their research, which has included everything from charting the monkey’s leaf-eating habits, all the way up to uncovering their sign language and other cognitive abilities. The highlight of any visit is the chance to walk through the jungle and observe orangutan behavior. Spend one day in Camp Leakey and you’ll quickly see why travelers the world over have sung its praises for nearly 50 years.
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The ritual of giving alms to monks is a way for Thai people to give back to Buddhist monks, who in turn dedicate their lives to teaching others about being good and virtuous. Make sure you are respectful (kneel with your feet tucked in) and dressed appropriately (modestly with your shoulders and legs covered). Also do not make physical or eye contact, and wait until the monks lowers their bowl to receive the alms.
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