wildebeast, great migration, Tanzania @ African Travel

Wildlife Vacations

Respectful encounters with the natural world.

Whether your pleasure may be scuba diving with whale sharks in Honduras, Belugas in northern Canada or great whites in South Africa; or perhaps searching for tigers in India, orangutans in Borneo or gorillas in Rwanda or Uganda; swimming with marine iguanas and sea lions in the Galapagos, viewing polar bears in the Arctic or the soaring condors in the Colca Canyon of Peru… planet earth [still] offers us amazing experiences if we choose to seek them out.

Because wildlife is precious...

Once we witness encounters with wildlife, we realize how important it is to respect and preserve the world in which we live, and we appreciate the wonders of our planet all the more. These experiences enrich us, reward us and, in many ways, are helpful in preserving wildlife. Our experts treasure these opportunities and take joy in arranging these wildlife vacations for you.

The lessons of Africa
If it were not for tourism, elephants, rhinos and gorillas might well be an extinct gorillas species. While tourism may impose some risk to wildlife, it has also serves to protect them in their natural habitat, a far greater good.
Pocket Travel
We'll also provide you our Pocket Travel app so you'll have your itinerary and flights available on your smart phone or other devices, along with additional destination information and a way to stay in touch if needed.
southern africa leopard

Our travel experts

Plan your respectful wildlife encounter with our experts.

How we work
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      string(18) "exclude_from_feeds"
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      string(2) "!="
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      string(8) "interest"
      string(4) "LIKE"



Plan your wildlife encounter