When Crystal Cruises Refurbished, What Did It Do With the Used Furniture?
Top cruise lines usually refurbish their ships every several years to maintain their integrity and update designs with more current trends. Crystal Cruises, a favorite of our cruise agency, recently completed the refurbishment of it’s second ship, Crystal Serenity.
Crystal has now invested over $50 milllion in its two luxury cruise ships, rated as the best large luxury ships at sea. So don’t you want to know what a cruise line like Crystal does with the old TVs, sofas and bedding?
As it turns out, Crystal donated these to needy communities. Bedspreads from Crystal Serenity were donated to Senegal, which was on the ship’s last voyage prior to dry dock in Hamburg.
In Hamburg, items like televisions (now replaced with flat screen TVs) and furniture were shipped to the Salvation Army in New Jersey.
I’m sure other cruise lines also make positive contributions to the community in ways that are often not publicized. And it just makes one feel good. If you have other similar fell-good stories about cruise lines, let us know. Oh! and if you’re ready to sample a cruise vacation on one of the world’s best cruise lines, with our exclusive amenities, you can access our Crystal cruise deals on our site.